Like every other Alarm clock app for Android, I Can’t Wake Up! Alarm Clock requires completing tasks to stop the alarm. Simply put, the Alarmy app has been ingeniously designed to force you to get up from sleep by giving you various missions.

However, Alarmy is one of the most innovative solutions for those who can’t get up on time, even with an alarm clock. The design of this alarm clock is simple, traditional, and minimalist. This alarm clock for Android devices will allow us to program as many alarms as we want on our Android device, allowing us to put or set traditional sounds to our songs. To deactivate it, you must solve mathematical equations, memorize images, captcha, repeat patterns or activate an NFC tag or a QR code. Puzzle Alarm has three levels of difficulty. The puzzles used by the Alarm clock were very tricky and force you to wake up in the morning. To stop the alarm, you need to solve a puzzle. This is one of the best alarm clock apps for Android available on the Google Play Store.

You might find this alarm clock app helpful if you are a chronic sleeper. Though this is a paid application, you can still use it as a trial version for fifteen days with many exciting features. With this application, you can take a step forward by connecting your device to a Smartwatch and forgetting that you leave the phone on the table or inside the drawer. In this excellent alarm clock application, you can analyze the sleeping hours with graphics and compare them in a 15-day range to know your sleep habits. Sleep as Android Unlock is more than an Alarm clock app. Overall, Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers is a great alarm clock app for Android. The app also supports smartwatches, allowing you to snooze or dismiss alarms without touching your phone. Since it’s designed for heavy sleepers, you can set multiple alarms, unique alarm stop methods, the option to hide the snooze button, and more. The app is designed to wake you up in the morning. Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers is one of the best alarm clock apps designed for heavy sleepers.